N.C. State's Magical Journey to the Final Four led by Charismatic DJ Burns Jr.

A Charismatic Leader

In the world of collegiate basketball, charisma can be just as crucial as skill on the court. DJ Burns Jr. is a testament to that, celebrating his victories with an infectious enthusiasm that sees him skipping in joy. After a stunning victory against Duke, Burns, along with two teammates, donned Final Four hats, each adorned with pieces of the victorious basketball net, a symbol of their triumph. In a moment that perfectly captures his joyful persona, Burns paused to take a selfie at the post-game press conference, a snapshot of a victory that will be remembered for years. His radiant personality, he says, is a product of his upbringing, instilling in him the importance of carrying a positive spirit wherever he goes.

A Magical Run

North Carolina State's journey to the Final Four is a narrative steeped in determination and resilience. Entering as a double-digit seed, the team has drawn comparisons to the 1983 championship team, renowned for their miraculous ascent. This year's team has defied expectations, stringing together nine consecutive wins in elimination games, including a Herculean effort of winning five games in just five days during the ACC tournament. "They never lost trust in who they are," stated Coach Keatts, underscoring the team's unwavering belief in themselves. This conviction has propelled them past formidable opponents like Marquette and Duke, emphasizing that, in the crucible of the Final Four, seed numbers fade into irrelevance.

The Center of Attention

At 6-foot-9 and over 275 pounds, DJ Burns commands attention not just for his size but for the significant impact he makes on the game. His skillful play not only paves the way for his own success but also creates myriad opportunities for his teammates. "When DJ gets going, it makes it easier for us guards on the perimeter," a teammate explained, highlighting Burns' ability to draw the attention of the defense, thus freeing up his teammates. Coach Keatts praises Burns not just for his on-court performances but for his remarkable personality, noting his ability to get along with everyone. This cohesion and unity have resonated beyond the team, knitting the community and alumni closer together.

The Spotlight Intensifies

The achievements of N.C. State this season are especially noteworthy, with both the men's and women's teams reaching the Final Four. This dual success has thrust both teams, but particularly standout players like Burns, into an intensified spotlight. With increased public recognition comes heightened pressure, a reality Burns acknowledges openly. Yet, it's clear that gratitude, not stress, defines his reaction to this newfound attention. He is genuinely thankful for the support from fans, seeing it as a vital component of the team's success. As the spotlight grows, so does the acknowledgment of the positive impact that communal support has on the team's morale and performance.


Burns' philosophy in life and on the court reflects the joy and positivity he was raised with. "I was raised in a happy environment. I try to take that with me everywhere I go," he shared, encapsulating the essence of his approach to basketball and life. Coach Keatts' admiration for his team's journey highlights the extraordinary nature of their run: "They never lost trust in who they are, and they've put together one of the most magical runs in the history of basketball." This sentiment is echoed in the team's disregard for seed numbers upon reaching the Final Four, emphasizing the importance of performance over expectations. As another teammate aptly put it, "When DJ gets going...All we can do is stay ready: stay ready to shoot, stay ready to make a play." This readiness and mutual support have been crucial to N.C. State's success. Burns himself summed up the experience amidst the increased attention: "It's been kind of crazy," he remarked. To the supporters, he offered a heartfelt thanks: "If you're supporting us, thank you."

In a season defined by unexpected victories and the breaking of barriers, N.C. State's run to the Final Four stands out as a testament to the importance of belief, unity, and charisma. DJ Burns Jr., with his distinctive blend of talent and effervescent personality, has not only led his team to victories but also captured the hearts of fans. As N.C. State continues on its magical journey, the spotlight not only highlights their achievements but also the underlying virtues that have guided them this far—camaraderie, resilience, and an unwavering joy for the game.