Jets Begin Padded Practices with Struggles

Jets Begin Padded Practices with Struggles

The New York Jets' first practice in pads this season unfolded with notable turbulence, highlighted by visible frustration from veteran quarterback Aaron Rodgers. On Monday, the team faced various challenges, impairing their performance and testing their resolve.

Rodgers, who has traditionally held himself and his teams to high standards, struggled to find his rhythm amidst numerous mistakes from his teammates. Two plays into the practice, Rodgers threw an interception – a play influenced by a dropped pass from wide receiver Allen Lazard, who joined the Jets this offseason. Rodgers also experienced a series of "sacks" and faced about half-a-dozen off-target shotgun snaps from Joe Tippmann, causing him to scramble for the ball repeatedly. Adding to the chaotic picture, Rodgers was stepped on by either Tippmann or offensive lineman John Simpson during the practice.

Despite the rough session, Rodgers has looked sharp in camp prior to this practice, a hopeful sign for a team that managed only 18 touchdowns last season, the fewest in the league. Yet, this particular session seemed a stark reminder of the work still needed to integrate Rodgers into the Jets’ offensive system successfully.

Adjusting to a New Standard

While the practice was trying, some saw it as a necessary step in raising the team's standards. "Honestly, he expects the same standard that he holds himself to out of everyone else, and today just didn't resemble that at all. I think as an offense we were just a little bit sloppy," said Allen Lazard, reflecting on Rodgers’ expectations and the team’s performance.

Tight end Tyler Conklin echoed this sentiment, calling Rodgers' relentless pursuit of perfection an asset. "I think that's the beauty of playing with a great like that. You have someone that's going to, at all times, hold everybody accountable, no matter who you are. I think that's kind of something that not every team has. I think that's really a blessing at the end of the day to have someone that cares that much and has a standard like that."

Conklin further emphasized the importance of having a player like Rodgers in the locker room. "That's going to become our standard as a team. But to have a Hall of Famer who has won a Super Bowl—been there, done that—I think that's necessary."

Aiming for Improvement

Much of the practice's disarray centered around Joe Tippmann, a second-round draft pick in 2023, who has been struggling with his snaps since camp began. Head Coach Robert Saleh acknowledged the issue. "Yeah, he has to work on it. There’s clearly something going on," Saleh conceded. Tippmann spent part of the practice on the sideline, working on his snaps with Rodgers and a coach, a clear sign of the emphasis being placed on correcting these foundational mistakes.

Rodgers, who missed nearly the entire 2023 season following Achilles surgery, is determined to make a significant impact this year. His drive was evident in a heated sideline conversation with wide receiver Garrett Wilson. These moments, although tense, are part of Rodgers' approach to hold everyone to the same high expectations he holds for himself.

Building Towards the Future

For the Jets, integrating a quarterback of Rodgers' calibre goes beyond dealing with the inevitable growing pains. It's about transforming the team’s culture and elevating their overall performance. This practice, though rocky, serves as a critical step in that direction. Rodgers’ intense demeanor and exacting standards, though they may ruffle feathers, are seen by many within the organization as essential for raising the team’s game.

As Allen Lazard aptly noted, "I would say 'demonstrative' is a good word for him. You're talking about one of the best, if not the best quarterback of all time, and his standard and level of play is something a lot of guys haven't seen yet. Even this organization—they haven't really been with him on game day because being with him on the sideline on a Sunday is different."

The challenges faced during this practice session underscore the work ahead for the Jets, but they also highlight the potential for growth and improvement under Rodgers' leadership. As the team continues to adapt to their new quarterback’s high standards, there is hope that these efforts will eventually translate into success on the field.