A New Role for Jamie Hart

A New Role for Jamie Hart

Jamie Hart has assumed a vital position in the gambling industry as the new head of gambling at Conquer Technology. With a substantial background that includes his tenure as an executive director at Tabcorp and a director of innovation at William Hill, Hart is well-equipped for this pivotal role. His journey into this new chapter began after a fortuitous meeting with Conquer Technology's CCO, David Carter, during an innovation competition at William Hill. This encounter set the stage for Hart's subsequent transition to Conquer Technology.

Focus on Small-Scale Innovation

Conquer Technology stands out in the industry due to its dedication to small-scale technical innovation. Functioning as a full-service development studio, the company aids firms in navigating the complexities of gambling regulation, Know Your Customer (KYC) protocols, and the development of new betting products and bet types. The primary objective at Conquer Technology is to grant operators the freedom to experiment and innovate without being burdened by significant financial and operational constraints.

Challenges and Opportunities

Jamie Hart is acutely aware of the myriad challenges confronting the gambling industry today. One of the major hurdles is the difficulty operators face in experimenting and testing new ideas. When handled in-house, efforts are often hampered by bureaucratic delays and escalated costs. Hart believes that outsourcing these tasks to Conquer Technology can expedite processes and reduce expenses. He points out that managing projects within gambling companies has become increasingly complex, involving more people now than it did two decades ago. Conquer Technology aims to streamline this operational landscape for operators, making it easier to bring innovative ideas to fruition.

A Vision for the Future

Hart's vision extends beyond addressing the challenges of the Tote’s product. Historically, innovation in the Tote's product has been particularly arduous. However, his new role at Conquer Technology offers a broader scope for implementing his vision within the gambling industry. The launch of Conquer Technology's gambling division represents a significant milestone for both the company and the industry at large. Hart aims to empower firms to adapt to the ever-evolving regulatory landscapes and push the boundaries of innovation in gambling.

There is keen interest in how Hart and his team will execute their plans. He is committed to tackling more than just current industry challenges, seeking to instigate wider changes and drive innovation. The approach at Conquer Technology could provide a unique outsourcing model that mitigates the issue of integration, which Hart identifies as the "biggest issue for betting companies."


"Integration is typically the biggest issue for betting companies, and that will be our number one target," Jamie Hart emphasized. He further added, "It might be quicker and cheaper to do those with us than in-house." Reflecting on the changing landscape of project management within the gambling sector, Hart noted, "There certainly seem to be a lot more people involved in projects now than there were 20 years ago. I'm hoping we can provide a unique outsourcing model."

Hart also alluded to the limitations he faced in his previous roles, stating, "There’s a lot more I want to do and change [in gambling], and the Tote’s product was difficult to innovate." With a clear vision and a strategic plan, all eyes are on Jamie Hart and his team as they embark on this transformative journey at Conquer Technology.

In conclusion, Jamie Hart's appointment as head of gambling at Conquer Technology heralds an exciting phase for the company and the industry. With a robust focus on small-scale innovation, regulatory navigation, and operational efficiency, Hart and Conquer Technology are poised to make significant strides, offering much-needed solutions to the contemporary challenges faced by gambling operators.